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[Sunshine At CUHK] Fluid Bear X Mindfulness Workshop

Get-Together , Past Events , Current & Forthcoming Events

Here comes the second round of Sunshine At CUHK’s summer event! We will organise a “Fluid Bear X Mindfulness Workshop” in July!

Life flows like paint, with periods of prosperity and adversity. Let’s acknowledge and embrace positive and negative emotions together through fluid bear making and mindfulness exercises. Register now to explore infinite possibilities and create your one-of-a-kind fluid bear.

Fluid Bear X Mindfulness Workshop

DATE & TIME:Cantonese Session: 13 July 2023 (Thu), 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM*
English Session: 27 July 2023 (Thu), 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM*
VENUE:Pommerenke Student Centre 303
TARGET:CUHK full-time students who are Sunshine At CUHK Mobile App users
QUOTA:20 per session (Each student can apply for 1 session only. Limited seats available on a first-come first-served basis.)
FEE:Deposit HK$100 (Full-refund after attending)
DEADLINE:2 July 2023 (Cantonese Session) / 16 July 2023 (English Session)

* As the fluid bear takes time to dry, we will contact you to come and collect your artwork few days after the workshop.

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For enquiries, please contact Sunshine At CUHK: or 3943-0384.
