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uPals IG challenge ‘Ataraxy- Be in your own space’

Get-Together , Past Events , Current & Forthcoming Events

In the midst of midterms, assignments and projects, we would like to introduce you to our IG challenge ‘Ataraxy- Be in your own space’. Through this challenge, we would like to share places in CUHK where students can find genuine tranquillity and calmness. By sharing a photo of your favourite, relaxing and beautiful space in CUHK with an encouraging quote or slogan on the photo, you would have a chance to win a Kindle!

The selected pieces will be printed as bookmarks or postcards and distributed to students on campus.

uPals IG challenge ‘Ataraxy- Be in your own space’

DATE:09/10/2023 – 29/10/2023
TARGET AUDIENCE:CUHK Full-time UG and PG Students (Both local and non-local)

For enquiries, please message uPals official Instagram: @cuhk_upals.
