The UChum members under the Student Wellness Programme of United College will held a mini fun fair at United College this Thursday, All students can come to join for FREE. It will include different activities like Whac-A-Mole in Real, Aroma stone making, A letter to myself, Punch Needle, Fear Box Challenge.

Have you ever experienced tossing and turning all night and waking up exhausted like a zombie? Are you struggling with lack of sleep or sleeping too much? Or, do you want to know more about how to sleep well? Here is your chance.
Prof. Joey CHAN is going to share her profound knowledge in sleep medicine, including myths and facts about sleep, to help us sleep well and have a sharp mind.

Have you ever encountered someone with depression or anxiety disorders? Do you know how to help them? In this workshop, you will learn about the symptoms of these two disorders. And, you will be equipped with skills and concepts in helping process, including risk assessment.