uPals “Useful Tips for Freshmen” IG Challenge

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【只提供英文版本】To encourage students to share their experience to freshmen before the start of new school year. An “Useful Tips for Freshmen” IG challenge will be organized. This initiative aims to create a friendly and welcoming atmosphere for students by helping each other, promoting a caring culture on campus.

Steps to participate:

  1. Follow us on uPals official Instagram (@cuhk_upals)
  2. Tag 3 CU friends under our post for this event
  3. Fill in the CU Web Form (https://cloud.itsc.cuhk.edu.hk/mycuform/view.php?id=2018744)
  4. Send your illustration by Direct Messaging uPals (@cuhk_upals) on IG
  5. The selected illustrations will be posted on uPals official Instagram (@cuhk_upals) for online voting activity from 16/08/2023 to 30/08/2023
  6. Result will be announced on 04/09/2023 on uPals official Instagram (@cuhk_upals)

Prize: 3 winners based on the number of likes on IG posts (on 30/8)

  1. Top Prize: Apple Air Pod (2nd Generation)
  2. Second Prize: $300 Starbucks gift card
  3. Third Prize: $100 Book Coupon

For enquiries, please contact uPals on Instagram (@cuhk_upals).
